Why Tesla’s Cybertrack is giving us a glimpse of the future.
People resist change because they usually focus on the negative aspects of it rather than thinking about the benefits it may bring. It's not a secret that change is hard. Just like animals, we are creatures of habit and we like to stick to the familiar. When something new comes along and challenges our beliefs we ofter let our emotion take over and jump into defense mode.
This is exactly what happened after the Cybertruck reveal. At first, people reacted to their emotions. The internet exploded with mostly negative comments. A few days later when the initial shock wore off many people realized that the Cyberduck brought a much-needed change to the otherwise stagnant auto industry. It showed us that we don't have to stick to the same boring and outdated design that every other automaker uses.
By creating something radically different Tesla is forcing other car manufacturers to get out of their comfort zone and create something new. This is great news for us, consumers because this means that soon the auto market will be flooded with new and unique designs.