Health is a process. The truth behind America’s Health crisis.
In the western world, we treat health as a separate part of our life. We have our work, family, friends, hobbies, activities, social networks, likes, wants, needs, and health is, you know, another thing. In reality, health is not just a part of our life. It is our life. Health is a reflection of everything we do. It is like an indicator of our physical and emotional state at this moment in time. And health, as you have it right now, is not going to be the same tomorrow or in a week or a month or a year. It is constantly changing depending on what you do.
Since we consider health as just another part of our life, we treat our diseases as separate events. Tumor? Let’s cut it out. Heart disease? Let’s replace it. We treat our bodies like we treat things. Your car breaks down. You go to a mechanic. They replace a few things, and it works again. But the body is not a thing. It is a process. You are a process, life is a process, and your health is a process as well.
I am not against Western medicine because it does miracles when it comes to treating injuries and when emergency medical attention is required. When it comes to most chronic diseases, however, pills and surgeries treat symptoms. They make your pain go away, but the real cause of the problem is still there. The western approach is a “thing” approach. It deals with isolated events. It doesn’t take into account that health is a process that is connected to everything we do. Most non-accidental emergency visits to the hospital are a result of years of unconscious abuse and ignorance.
I don’t believe that our bodies are built to fail. Our bodies are made to succeed, but because we treat them as things, they die. This is in part because of our consumer lifestyle. We have been conditioned to buy solutions to our problems. But some issues, including health, cannot be solved through consumption.
When we overeat, over-drink, overbuy and overstimulate ourselves with information through all of our senses, our bodies get physically and mentally overloaded and stop functioning correctly. Our natural healing and defense systems weaken. After living like this for years and even decades, we develop all kinds of chronic illnesses that kill us or make us weaker against viruses. What do we do then? We turn to western medicine and either consume more pills or replace or remove parts of our body with surgery. After we’re all fixed, we go back home and continue living our old lifestyle, which eventually leads to more diseases.
The best way to deal with our health crisis is not to consume and replace but to change our processes. You cannot buy a solution to a problem that is caused by your daily actions. But that is what most people do.
How can we change?
All change starts with awareness. We need to become aware of our daily actions and recognize their effect on our mental and physical health. Most importantly, we need to change the way we look at ourselves in relationship to the external world.
If we go back to the basics and look at the Universe from the tiny subatomic scale or even the enormously vast intergalactic scale, we see no solidity or permanence. Those things do not exist.
Permanence, stability, and solidity are illusions created by our mind’s interpretation of the subatomic energy that our senses come in contact with, trillions of times a second. Existence is a result of interactions.
You are not an object in space. You are space condensed into an object. You are not a solid thing. You are a process. You are not an isolated event in the Universe. You emerge out of it just like a leaf grows out of the tree. There is a never-ending exchange of materials between you and the surrounding world. The food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe, the light from our sun, and the surrounding Universe become your body. All the information that gets captured by your eyes, ears, and countless other senses and organs within your body becomes a part of your mind. Then you emit all the energy that makes you back into the Universe through your biological emissions, character, thoughts, ideas, emotions, actions, and creations. The outer world becomes you, and you become the outer world all of the time.
Your health is an indicator of how aware and connected you are to the Universal process of energy exchange. Health is the ultimate indicator of success because it is not the money or the social status that determines the quality of your conscious experience of reality. It’s your health. So never stop learning about your mind and your body. Your health is in your hands.